Monday, May 28, 2012


What is it like to have things handed to you?
What does it feel like knowing that the things you have were not worked for?
Have you ever broke a sweat for someone other than yourself?
Have you ever cried because you thought things couldn't get any worse?
What about because things haven't been better?
Do you know what its like to wake up everyday knowing you have to get up?
Do you ever not get up?

The moral of these questions is to know that everyone has hardships, some are worse to a different degree.  Some people are more fortunate than others.  Within this world we all still get the opportunity to wake up the next day and live this beautiful life.  There will be high points and low points in life and each day we should just be thankful to be alive.

Know you are blessed, live life with a smile, and never stop thinking.
